China is building some spectacularly large amphibious assault ships (LHAs, or informally “gators”), building them very fast. What can these ships do, and what is China planning to do with them? The future power dynamics of the Asia-Pacific may turn on the ability of China’s amphibious fleet to establish control over Taiwan.
The Type 076
The Type 076 is, to put it bluntly, a beast. It is as long as the US Navy’s America class LHA, but considerably wider. It is substantially larger than the four Type 075 LHAs that China has built over the last decade, displacing an estimated 48000 tons. It will (like the British Queen Elizabeth class) have a dual island, likely due to the need to manage complex air operations involving a large number of different kinds of aircraft.
This is a major aviation platform. It will undoubtedly carry a significant number of helicopters specialized for a variety of defensive and offensive missions, from anti-submarine warfare to ferrying troops to a beach-head to local fire support for those troops. It will also serve as a platform for short and medium range drones that will defend the ship and protect the beach-head. The ship is equipped with a catapult system, unusual for an amphibious assault vessel. It is unlikely that this system will be used to launch fixed-wing fighters. Rather, it will allow the Type 076 to launch larger, more sophisticated drones.
Any vision for how UAVs are supposed to affect naval warfare has to include an account of how the UAVs make it to the combat theater and the traditional answer to that question is “build flat-decked aviation ships.” In a contested invasion, big amphibs like the Type 076 will act as mobile airfields, providing both direct combat support and acting as waypoints for airborne and marine reinforcement of an established beachhead.
The Fleet
The expansion of China’s amphibious force is nothing short of historic.
A decade ago, China had no large amphibious platforms. Now it has four big flat-decked amphibs alongside a force of nine landing platform docks (LPDs), and will soon welcome the biggest amphibious assault ships in the world. This is a rate of increase reminiscent of the great dreadnought races of the early 20th century, when Britain, Japan, Germany, and the United States built up spectacular fleets of large battleships in not much more than a decade.
However, it is also one-sided; American shipbuilding has shown no inclination to try to keep up with Chinese expansion.
It doesn’t take analytical chops to guess that China is intending something. The United States has the world’s largest fleet of amphibious assault vessels, but it carries out very few amphibious assaults. This speaks to the flexibility of the form, something that China will undoubtedly take advantage of in the future.
But at the moment, everyone’s eyes are focused on Taiwan, and it’s becoming tough to insist that China’s amphibious assault fleet is intended for something other than assaulting its wayward province.
A Threat to Taiwan?
There’s no reason to write off the defense of Taiwan yet.
China is taking a huge gamble by investing in these large ships, as Taiwanese (and American) investments in anti-access technologies could put these vessels at great risk. As the Ukrainians have demonstrated, warships operating in confined waters are necessarily vulnerable, even to opponents who themselves lack a substantial navy. The People’s Liberation Army Navy is much larger than the Russian Black Sea Fleet and considerably more sophisticated in both offense and defense, but so are the Americans and the Taiwanese. In the end, Beijing may be counting on the threat of an amphibious assault (which the Type 076 makes more credible) as much as the eventuality of an assault itself.
In any case, the People’s Republic of China is acting very much like a country that sees a major amphibious assault in its future, and authorities across the Pacific need to continue to pay close heed to Chinese construction.
About the Author: Dr. Robert Farley
Dr. Robert Farley has taught security and diplomacy courses at the Patterson School since 2005. He received his BS from the University of Oregon in 1997, and his Ph. D. from the University of Washington in 2004. Dr. Farley is the author of Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force (University Press of Kentucky, 2014), the Battleship Book (Wildside, 2016), Patents for Power: Intellectual Property Law and the Diffusion of Military Technology (University of Chicago, 2020), and most recently Waging War with Gold: National Security and the Finance Domain Across the Ages (Lynne Rienner, 2023). He has contributed extensively to a number of journals and magazines, including the National Interest, the Diplomat: APAC, World Politics Review, and the American Prospect. Dr. Farley is also a founder and senior editor of Lawyers, Guns and Money.

November 20, 2024 at 3:12 pm
Frickin’ stupid to think of any naval operations against taiwan. Frickin’ freaking dumb.
Especially with USN going full-steam ahead with project 33.
Project 33 is the Navy’s grand plan to emasculate the PLAN.
Add to that adm sam papero’s threat to create a hellscape over the entire fujian coast.
And also add to that america’s current steroid-fueled rush to develop next gen weapons like the Mako missile.
To prevent china making any dumb mistake over the above, the people MUST rise up and kick xi jinping out of the country.
Donald trump can help by issuing an internatinal ARREST WARRANT for xi while warning of 200% tariffs if he doesn’t git lost.
Arrest warrant for xi long overdue because of the various epidemics that xi was able to affect america – covid, opioid, fentanyl, hush money for biden clan, etc.etc. etc.
Down with xi jinping.
November 20, 2024 at 10:50 pm
Xi jinping probably never heard of the battle of the great turkey shoot of 1944.
Wait till US pacific forces teach him battle of great sitting ducks shoot.
Xi is extremely foolish thinking the world is his oyster resulting in (besides tariffs and denunciations) numerous chinese officers or workers finding themselves rotting inside stinking foreign prisons.
Back to the future great pacific clash.
USA is a bona fide predator nation. After taking down russia, expect it to target china next. Taiwan would just be one convenient excuse.
So how to persuade US to leave it alone.
ICBMs and h-20s and subs won’t wash. Won’t work dissuading pacific forces commanders.
To persuade US war dept that war on china will never prove to becoming a profitable undertaking, china needs to look to space.
Already Space Force is mightily interested in the spaceX starship rocket and spaceX starshield program.
That’s the future battleground or battlespace of tomorrow.
The place that will determine whether you live or die.
November 21, 2024 at 12:15 am
Washington perennially tries to heat up the pot as far as china-taiwan is concerned, particularly when there’s a democrat president in the WH.
Joe biden for example has tried his most very damn hard to internationalize the taiwan strait.
So, if china falls into a US trap over taiwan, it MUST follow israel’s example.
Israel employed totally blinding & severe heavy fire power to turn gaza into a rubble-filled parking space.
China needs to learn from israel’s ruthlessness in war.
Hamas also similar to US is equally ruthlessness.
Recently, it converted a discovered US-made mk80 series low-drag bomb into an IED.
That IED was used afterward to destroy a 65-ton merkava tank.
The tank destroyed was a latest merkava variant called ‘barak’ equipped with cutting edge military technology.
November 21, 2024 at 5:37 am
Amphibious assault vessels are even worse than weapons like T-55 main battle tanks.
Obsolete, and totally useless and can only be mere sitting ducks in the water in modern warfare.
The Hamas unit destroyed the ultra modern Barak merkava tank and the crew was vanquished, but at least remains were recovered.
But if a pbib is destroyed, everything is lost and everbody goes to davy jones locker. Terribly very bad end.
Hamas and Israel are teaching us very extremely valuable lessons in modern warfare today. Putin please take note.
Jacksonian Libertarian
November 21, 2024 at 6:28 am
The evolution of weapons from Industrial Age dumb weapons to Information Age smart weapons has fully crossed the Rubicon with the war in Ukraine.
This means industrial-age weapons are increasingly obsolete and useless.
CCP gang China is bringing “Knives to a Gunfight”.
A 48,000-ton flattop loaded with a Brigade+ of military forces is the definition of “Putting all your eggs in one basket”.
Taking out all of that with one hit is guaranteed.
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November 21, 2024 at 3:43 pm
These amphibious ships will never make it to the Taiwan coast, guaranteed.
November 21, 2024 at 7:16 pm
The Tiwanese military has been given Mark 48 enhanced capability “keel busting” torpedoes.
Those big expensive amphibious assault ships are floating coffins..
Iconoclastic Tim
November 21, 2024 at 10:11 pm
Until Covid-27 genetically engineers PLAN Marines, giving them the ability to walk on water, all those assault ships are going to do is swallow US torpedoes.
John Quiggin
November 21, 2024 at 11:50 pm
I don’t actually disagree with anything here, though my interpretation is a bit different. China needs to *act* ” like a country that sees a major amphibious assault in its future”, whether or not such an assault could possibly succeed.
To do otherwise would be to abandon the long-held position that reunification with Taiwan will happen, by force if necessary.