Rising Above Partisan Politics to Defend Our Democracy: Former Vice President Dick Cheney, a self-described conservative Republican, has endorsed the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris to be President of the United States. This endorsement is a watershed moment in American politics. Cheney’s decision is a clear message to all Americans that the outcome of this election is far too important to be driven by any motivation other than the preservation of this Republic and the great experiment in democracy that has continued for over two centuries. The stakes are too high to remain silent, complicit, or to rationalize a different choice of who should be trusted to lead the nation. This election is not about party loyalty; it is about the very soul of our nation and who we are as responsible citizens.
Dick Cheney has always been known for his strong conservative principles and unwavering commitment to national security. For him to cross party lines and endorse Kamala Harris speaks volumes about the gravity of the situation we face. This is not about abandoning conservative values; rather, it is about upholding the most fundamental value of the rule of law.
As a conservative, it pains me to see the state of the party—built on principles of fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, and a deep respect for the rule of law—has been hijacked by Donald Trump. This is not the Republican Party that I grew up with, nor is it the party that represents the values as Americans that we hold dear. As we approach this year’s election, it is crucial that we rise above the partisan politics that Trump advances based on grievances and vengeance and instead focus on what truly matters: defending our Constitution and preserving our democracy.
The rule of law is what binds us together as Americans, and no one is above it, no matter how powerful they may be. It is what protects our freedoms and ensures that our means of governance remains accountable to the people. Without the rule of law, our democracy cannot survive. Led by Donald Trump, the rule of law has been repeatedly undermined. From attempts to overturn the results of a free and fair election to the incitement of a violent insurrection, Trump has displayed a blatant disregard for the principles that truly make America great. His vision of retribution and resentment is not what ever made our country great at any time in our rich history. It was our passion for fairness, principles, values and the preservation of democracy.
As Americans we must ask ourselves what do we stand for now? Do we stand for someone who prioritizes power over the good of the country, or do we stand for the Constitution? The answer should be clear. Our loyalty should not be to one person, but to the values that have made America the beacon of freedom and democracy for the world.
Some argue that endorsing a Democrat, especially someone like Kamala Harris, is a betrayal of conservative values. But she possesses the character, integrity and commitment to protect the values that define who we are as Americans. The true betrayal would be to support someone who does not respect or abide by the Constitutional principles that got us this far.
Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Harris is a powerful reminder that this election is not about party politics—it is about the survival of our democracy. Character matters. Values matter. The rule of law matters. These are the things that should guide us as we head to the polls.. We need leaders who will put the country first, who will respect the Constitution, and who will work to bring Americans together rather than tear us apart.
About the Author: Sean O’Keefe
Sean O’Keefe is the former Secretary of the Navy and previously Comptroller and CFO of the Defense Department appointed by President George H.W. Bush during Dick Cheney’s service as Secretary of Defense and later served as OMB Deputy Director and then NASA Administrator in the Bush-Cheney Administration.