President-elect Donald Trump is still two months away from taking office, but his initial foreign policy and national security appointments suggest a no-nonsense approach to China. While Trump’s derangement syndrome infects many in elite circles in Washington and Western Europe and exaggerates criticisms of his first-term conduct, he did succeed in fundamentally changing the conversation about China. Whereas Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama saw China as a partner, even if also a “near peer” competitor, Trump recognized China as an enemy and existential threat to the United States.
During his first term, Trump issued more than a dozen executive orders to counter Chinese influence and to pressure Beijing, though he might have done much more. Still, the Section 301 investigations into Chinese economic malfeasance, release of information on Chinese “economic aggression” and subsequent tariffs changed the conversation forever about China. While President Barack Obama sought cooperation with China, Trump’s 2017 National Security Strategy depicted China as strategic competitor, a realization upon which the National Defense Strategy doubled down. National security concern about how China uses Huawei to gather intelligence on its customers led to legislation limiting U.S. cooperation with countries that allow their penetration by the Chinese telecom giant.
The Iceland Dilemma
If Trump’s focus on China is more real than rhetorical, Iceland, a country whose total population if equivalent to Wichita, Kansas, could soon find itself in the crosshairs.
While Bjarni Benediktsson, a conservative, led Iceland for ten months in 2017 and since April 2024, Iceland’s other prime ministers since 2009 have all hailed from left-of-center parties: Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, the world’s first openly lesbian head of government, arose from the Social Democratic Alliance. The next two prime ministers, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson and Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, were progressives. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, prime minister between 2017 and 2024, was chair of the Left-Green Alliance.
Iceland’s China problem began with the 2008 Icelandic financial crisis when the country’s three largest private banks all defaulted sparking what, proportional to Iceland’s size, was the world’s largest banking collapse. A joke at the time asked, “What’s the capital of Iceland?” The answer was not Reykjavik, but rather “25 cents.” The International Monetary Fund helped Iceland to stabilize its currency but Sigurðardóttir also sought Chinese assistance after Western countries objected to Russia helping to bailout one of NATO’s founding members. In June 2010, Beijing and Reykjavik agreed to a three-year $500 million currency swap deal to enable Iceland to pay for Chinese imports in the kronur, Iceland’s currency. The two countries subsequently renewed the swap. While Icelandic negotiators said China’s interest and investment in Iceland was to tap Icelandic expertise in geothermal and hydroelectric generation, China’s record in the Atlantic and Arctic suggests Beijing had ulterior motives.
China and Iceland: Warming Ties
While the crisis passed, the Iceland-China relationship continued to solidify with successive Icelandic leaders looking at China as a cash cow. On April 15, 2013, Iceland and China signed a Free Trade Agreement, the first such agreement between China and a European country. The agreement affirmed the rights of Iceland and China to invest directly in the other. For Iceland, this was theoretical; its major exports to China are frozen fish, tin foil, and processed crabmeat. Icelanders pin their hopes on geothermal cooperation, a market they say could translate into more than $11 billion. In 2006, Sinopec, China’s leading energy firm, and an Icelandic company Enex-China partnered to produce geothermal energy for Xianyang, a city of around five million people in central China. The results were mixed: While the Arctic Green, the renamed partnership, says it is “the global leader in geothermal heating and cooling,” those on the company’s network received water only around 55 ̊F. A 2018 Asian Development Bank $250 million loan helped bolster the project. Foreigners who enter the Chinese market and believe it to be a gold rush often end in ruin. Arctic Green’s insistence that China, the world’s greatest polluter, is committed to carbon neutrality is naïve.
Not all Icelanders been as positive about China’s new role in their economy. In one prominent controversy, Icelandic knitting co-operatives objected to a scheme in which China imported Icelandic wool, knitted it into sweaters for re-import into Iceland, and sold to tourists.
While China was happy to find cheerleaders in Iceland to exaggerate the benefits of expanded ties, China’s own interests were more cynical. China likely sought the ability to build factories in Iceland and both monitor NATO movements and access the Arctic’s strategic minerals represents a major strategic gain. Between 2012 and 2017, Chinese investment in Iceland amounted to almost six percent of Iceland’s gross domestic product, though that percentage fell because of both the COVID pandemic and the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)’s decision to cease exploration off Iceland’s coast.
China’s expansion into Iceland was multifaceted. The Confucius Institutes are a major pillar of Chinese soft power. The Institutes say they provide language lessons and sponsor cultural events, but they promote an exclusively pro-Chinese Communist Party line and often serve as bases to both spy on Chinese abroad and to disrupt events that counter Chinese positions on Tibet, Taiwan, or Tiananmen. As China began to see Iceland as its de facto base in the North Atlantic, it opened the Northern Light Confucius Institute at the University of Iceland. Many in the West did not catch onto Confucius Institutes’ true agenda until years later. Perhaps, then, Iceland could be excused for opening Northern Light in 2008, but that does not excuse doubling down on the institution with a new five-year contract in 2017.
China has sought to establish a strategic position in Iceland in other ways. In 2011, Huang Nubo, a Chinese businessman, sought to buy 100 square miles of land in Iceland in a deal backed by the China Development Bank. While Huang talked up a golf course as the project’s focal point, his plans also included a private airfield.
China proceeded to open a number of supposedly scientific institutions that, much as in Svalbard, enable Chinese intelligence and security deployment to the island under the guise of scientific research. In October 2018, for example, the Polar Research Institute of China and the Icelandic Center for Research opened a joint China Iceland Arctic Research Observatory in Karholl, a small town in northern Iceland. Huang’s Icelandic spokesperson and representative Halldór Jóhannsson was a major cheerleader for the facility. Within weeks of opening, the observatory expanded its focus to include satellite remote sensing. President Joe Biden’s 2022 National Strategy for the Arctic Region alleged that China uses its scientific engagements in the Arctic to “conduct dual-use research with intelligence or military applications.”
A number of Chinese officials have proceeded to visit Iceland, including Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in 2012, and Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Ming three years later. The two countries now revised a proposal for twice-weekly direct flights after the pandemic shelved initial discussions.
For too long, the United States has viewed China as a pan-regional power, one that challenges U.S. primacy in the Pacific and Indian Ocean basin, but it ignores the Atlantic and the Arctic. Beijing and the People’s Liberation Army have ambition to establish an Atlantic presence. This is why China’s inroads into the Azores a decade ago should have sent off alarms in Washington. To Biden’s credit, he did act immediately upon indications that China sought a base in Equatorial Guinea, a country split between mainland Africa and an offshore archipelago.
Donald Trump Needs to Watch This Space
For strategists in Beijing, however, Iceland represents the perfect Trojan horse, allowing China access to the Arctic, Atlantic, Europe, and NATO. Perhaps Trump can be excused for Iceland evading his radar during his first term, but there can no longer be any question about China’s ambitions on the island nor Iceland’s permissiveness to Chinese money and strategic inroads. It is time to play hardball with Iceland until it recognizes that Chinese cash will not offset the cost of its endangering North Atlantic and Arctic security.
About the Author: Dr. Michael Rubin
Michael Rubin is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and director of policy analysis at the Middle East Forum. All views expressed in this piece are the author’s own.

Jacksonian Libertarian
November 22, 2024 at 1:55 pm
Why am I unsurprised that Leftist leadership has bankrupted Iceland? And now they are being ruthlessly manipulated by the CCP because they are morons.
You can’t fix stupid; until Iceland learns from its mistakes, it will be doomed to repeat them.
November 22, 2024 at 3:02 pm
Iceland has the right to choose the inventors they fancy, but still, trump needs to tell xi off and to stop being such an unrestrained globalist.
The USA has its own unrestrained globalists, too, like joe biden, nancy pelosi, austin and blinken.
When trump enters office jan 2025 he needs to go after all the unrestrained globalists.
Hurling arrest warrants at them is one option. Annuder is to open federal tax files investigations on them.
Get them into the clangers.
Down with globalism.
November 22, 2024 at 3:41 pm
People who invest massive sums of money in europe are frickin’ stupid.
Investments in place like greece, portugal, spain, etc are phuckin’ dumb as such countries are being overrun by huge waves of migrants.
And What about ukraine. Double phuckin’ dumb.
The big massive investment in motor sich company fell straight down into the depths of the netherworld no less.
And What about investing in poland. Or germany.
Ww3 coming to europe in 2025.
There’s no way trump ever going to find a peace solution to end the biden-initiated proxy war.
There’s exactly one and only one way – all-out war on the high tech battlefield of europe.
November 22, 2024 at 11:31 pm
Donald trump need never worry about iceland because if ever push comes to shove he can simply send boots over There and take control of everything.
But What about places like africa, middle east and even australia.
What trump has to do is to quickly get the Supreme Court judges to issue an arrest warrant for xi jinping and bring him over for questioning about the secret $30 million given to corrupt biden family, the covid epidemic, fentanyl epidemic and the opioid epidemic, the relationship with mexican drug cartels and the bribrry connected with belt and road projects in africa, asia, and eleswhere.
Iceland really just peanuts compared to above.
November 23, 2024 at 1:02 am
Immediately after entering office trump should look into two matters.
One, issuing arrest warrants for big globalist warmongers including zelenskyy.
Two, abandon the climate change propagandist camp.
Zelenskyy needs to be arrested pronto and asked What the bloody HELL has happened to the billions of taxpayers’ money given away by joe biden.
Forget clinate change. For example the days (recent months) are getting cooler from my own experience.
What’s more concerning is the population explosion now seen in countries that perennially register low per capita income dollars.
Such countries also are saddled with numerous ongoing violent unrests ranging from inter-tribal rivalry and gang wars to armed guerrilla conflicts such as currently seen in south asia, africa and in latin america.
You have numerous ‘encounter killings’ with either the police or army units or drug enforcement squads and people worry about climate change.
Trump needs to fight them.
November 23, 2024 at 2:46 am
Forget little tiny backwaters like iceland.
What’s far more interesting & important and going to be heavily earthshaking is the coming resignation of kamala harris.
Harris is likely to leave the white house before donald trump’s inauguration on jan 20.
The reason is kamala’s fully fed up and totally dissatisfied with joe biden.
Joe stabbed kamala in the back with his $60 billion giveaway to ukraine and $20 billion contribution to the speechless slaughter in gaza.
Voters were thoroughly disgusted with biden treating the treasury dept as his own personal piggy bank and so they completely trashed harris on nov 5.
Harris is therefore expected to resign soon from her job holding up biden’s balls and instead to proclaim they’re simply too heavy & now also too burdensome to carry.
It’s kaput for biden.
November 23, 2024 at 5:46 am
According to robert redfield, who formerly worked at CDC, the covid virus was an engineered product and the mastermind behind it was, or is, Dr ralph baric of the university of north carolina.
From baric’s north carolina research lab, the virus apparently wend its way to europe and then straight to wuhan in oct 2019.
First apparent infections began to appear in november and the first human fatality in december.
As the afp began screaming “sars, sars in wuhan” xi jinping was very busy making photo-ops portraying him as a gentle father figure of china.
Despite being aware of a new and highly dangerous airborne infectious agent already in circulation, xi suppressed information and continued to encourage tourism abroad thus quickly spreading it via airline travel.
Trump needs to get to the bottom of the matter.
November 23, 2024 at 7:19 am
Iceland is really not much of a worry.
What is very worrying now is zelenskyy, the peerless neo-nazi boss of the ukrainian banderovtsy, wants to ‘natoize’ the current proxy war in donbass.
Zelenskyy is ‘arranging with his NATO partners’ for new air defense systems even though the rocket that hit dnipro on
nov 21 2024 traveled at mach 10. Too fast for any defense.
So, putin MUST now hammer all the airfields and airports and airbases in the whole of ukraine with IRBMs filled with thermobaric warheads.
Do it NOW, today, without delay. Kaput the neo-nazis !
November 23, 2024 at 10:00 am
Iceland no trojan horsey.
But iceland a breath of winnie pooh story.
Hurling money at Iceland is exactly like a family man who decides supporting an attractive uptown whore house staffed by pretty ladies is better than sprucing up his own house.
The USA long-term plan is to turn east china into a rubble-strewn parking lot like What’s happening in gaza RIGHT NOW.
Unfortunately, the pooh is unable to see the forest because of all the pretty trees and so has reduced himself to relying on western media for advice. Especially on economic advice.
What pooh fails to do is to use the money sent abroad to move or duplicate vital industries westward to the interior and western provinces.
Instead all the nation’s top jewels are concentrated on a stretch of the eastern coast attracting the attention of the global predator.
Even worse is that all the ‘stimulus’ advocated by global media and duly initiated by central authorities are going to the eastern coast.
JUST HOW DUMB COULD YOU BECOME !!! Iceland’s the whore house.
November 24, 2024 at 12:56 am
T-R-O-J-A-N H-O-R-S-E.
Det horse is NATO sec-general.
The newest NATO sec-gen (from netherlands) is now in FL seeking to persuade trump to continue the biden-NATO war strategy against russia.
Therefore, russia MUST flatten the neo-nazis fully before trump takes office.
Not to do otherwise would simply be extremely dumb and stupid.
It’s very very very likely US military forces will be asked by european allies to participate in a western military campaign in eastern ukraine in 2025 to finish off russia.
The most surest thing to ww3.
November 24, 2024 at 7:28 am
China’s Trojan Horse is the massive number of japanese natives currently residing in, where else, right within inside china.
The situation harks back to the thirties when numerous japanese natives were ‘working’ abroad as writers, barbers, merchants, tailors and newsmen and even dancehall entreprenuers.
But unlike in the thirties where they roosted widely in south-east asia and hawaii, today they are only concentrated mostly in china, and to a lesser extent, in hong kong & taiwan.
That’s the real TROJAN HORSE.
November 24, 2024 at 11:38 pm
The real bona fide Trojan Horse or Trojan Horse of Trojan horses is the Clinton foundation.
The Clinton foundation received several cash donations from people inside russia from 2009 to 2013 during the time obama and biden ruled the US and so the administration didn’t object to russian takeover of uranium mines in the US (and eleswhere) during the heyday of the obama period.
That resulted in US power plants becoming dependent on russia for uranium fuel.
So, putin on november 15 2024 announced out of the blue to impose restrictions on exports of uranium to US.
As a result, tenex, the russian company which exports the stuff to US, has informed its customers it will now require special licence and permission for new deliveries to customers like centrus that processes uranium into fuel for nuclear power plants in US.
Therefore uranium fuel prices are expected to rise very soon very likely causing possible spikes in electricty costs and increasing inflation problems for the incoming trump administration.
Thanks a lot, obama, biden.
November 25, 2024 at 3:28 am
Joe robinette biden is the biggest Trojan in the whole world as He’s thoroughly corrupt and completely spineless.
Biden is more corrupt than the Clinton & obama put together.
In sept 2016, duterte, the strongman of the philippines called obama putang ina, or son of a whore. Which greatly upset obama.
That should instead be given or reserved to biden as He’s thoroughly and immorally corrupt.
Biden is the s.o.b. class type of Trojan, the worst of the worst.
When he screamed loser, he should have been standing in front of the white house bedroom mirrors.
Putang ina biden, the Trojan.
November 25, 2024 at 11:31 am
Who is or What serves as the Trojan Horse in the british isles.
The Trojan Horse There is the wokeist-fascist bloc that currently masquerades as being leftist or as the left-leaning intelligensia.
Already they are getting along nicely with joe biden’s DEI agenda enlisting lloyd austin types as their front house servants.
Very clever move just like the original Trojan Horse of troy.
Thus they are today hammering away at the real anti-war establishment in europe using and legitimizing russophobia as their official platform.
That’s in sharp clear contrast with the situation in next-door ireland.
In ireland, real leftists are rigidly opposed to the bloody wars bankrolled by joe biden and his ilk.
But the so-called leftists in britain are fake and Nothing more than a Trojan horse.
They are made from the same mold as oswald Mosley. Trojan Mosley.
November 25, 2024 at 1:53 pm
Right now, today, just after midday of 25 november 2024, and less than sixty days to trump’s inauguration, the greatest ever known Trojan Horse is biden’s furious bald try to force or impose ww3 on the world.
He’s sending more weapons, more taxpayers’ money and more direct military help to the ukro neo-nazis even though it’s exactly like trying to save a drowning man in the swirling freezing baltic.
The reason is to kick up a big fuss or big hullabaloo over the drowning man who’s fast slipping beneath the waves despite biden possessing the equipment to enact a save long before the 2024 US election.
Thus to destroy or neutralize the Trojan Horse of Today, russia MUST quickly flatten all the airstrips, airports and airbases in ukraine.
November 26, 2024 at 2:14 am
What’s the biggest Trojan Horse in the room, or rather in the world, the whole frickin’ phickin’ damn world.
That Trojan Horse is none other than the anglosphere nations.
The evil wars in ukraine, gaza, yemen, syria and now in lebanon are the handiwork of that frickin’ Trojan Horse.
The US state dept spokesman matthew miller now says a ceasefire in lebanon is near but says it is up to the parties involved in the fighting.
The US is the supplier of super killer weapons used against lebanon but says ceasefire up to the parties ??? ???
What phuckin’ bullshit.
The anglosphere Trojan Horse of Today is the most deadly since the era of genghis.
November 26, 2024 at 6:29 am
What’s the Trojan Horse for the global economies in 2025.
Assuming ‘asmodeus’ biden’s planned dark evil ww3 is delayed or miraculous avoided, the looming Trojan horse in 2025 would be the bunch of naysayers and anti-trump critics now already dusting their backsides and preparing their agitprop machines.
Trump says he’s gonna impose tariffs on mexico, canada and china. In 2025.
That’s a good thing, because it will compel grown-up people to fully wean themselves away from sucking uncle sam’s big teats.
That’s also called enrolling yourselves in the school of hard knocks. No more sucking.
But there’s plenty of people who would like to encourage the continued sucking on uncle sam’s teats, saying it’s a win-win situation for everybody.
Those people are the Trojan Horse of 2025. To HELL with them. All of them.
November 26, 2024 at 8:24 am
The G7 is meeting in italy, this week in late nov 2924, but who the HELL is G7.
The G7 comprises the historically highly cruel & evil colonial powers now abashedly still attempting to renew their hold or grip on the rest of the world.
That’s the dark Trojan Horse casting its shadow and influence over those seven countries.
That dark evil Trojan or dark malignant spirit has definitely caused innumerable troubles for the less lucky nations in the rest of the world.
Today, the seven countries have still failed to eliminate the dark Trojan from within themselves, and instead now openly worshipping it.
The dark Trojan that controls the G7 is being nourished by joe biden and his cohort in washington and now eager to issue fresh threats and dangers to the part of the world that doesn’t align with them.
To HELL with the G7, may the dark Trojan in them command them to march into the netherworld. To HELL with the G7. And to HELL with dark brandon.
November 26, 2024 at 11:27 am
Who the real Trojan Horse in US of A.
The real Trojan Horse in america could well be its seething mass media.
The GOP has won both chambers of Congress and now GOP wants to take a giant blowtorch to clean the huge swamp in washington’s homegrown morass of DEI-LGBTQ democrat-cultivated barnacles and limpets and leeches.
But the US ain’t going down without a fight.
They are the singular Trojan Horse in all of USA and play a big outsized role in DEI-LGBTQ promotion and and celebration and cultivation.
Will harris come to their aid or will harris just go AWOL and leave the heaving and hoving to hunter and family.
Only time will reveal the answer.
November 26, 2024 at 7:02 pm
Hmm, why no more new articles, is biden’s secret police watching this website.
Biden using feds to monitor the contents being published ?
HELL to biden.Gonna head for.
Joe is going to tour africa in early december 2024. The local witch doctors are waitin for asmodeus joe. Waitin, waitin.
Joe unlikely to make it out of africa alive. The witch doctors will put a hex on evil joe and he will collapse on the tarmac.Plop !
It’s finito for biden.
November 27, 2024 at 8:11 am
Why sudden collapse of writership here.
The censors hogging the place.
To HELL with asmodeus biden.
Asmodeus biden the walking disaster of a president who’s completely totally clueless & useless.
November 27, 2024 at 3:56 pm
What represents darkest Trojan Horse in europe especially or particularly in england.
That dark Trojan is the british mass media with their perennial ‘allahu akhbar’ type of russophobic content.
All the british mass media outlets like to parrot the views and opinions given out by neo-nazis ukrainian banderovtsy reps as well as russophobic voices ensconced inside 10 downing street.
That eventually will cause the UK to participate directly in a coming ww3 in europe which will turn europe into a billowing inferno.
Will the UK escape the consequences.
No, the UK will in the end become a jamaica or haiti or barbados located in western europe. As colored peoples rise against their former white masters who are stripped of power and strength after fatefully entangling with moscow and get whacked by hazel trees and branches.
November 27, 2024 at 5:46 pm
Joe biden’s administration has reportedly called on ukraine to enlist 18-year-olds to join the army to fight biden’s bloody proxy war in donbass.
That is completely out of whack and totally sacrilegious.
Imagine old man biden asking, zelenskyy to emulate hitler, who in ww2 employed his hitlerjugend or hitleryouth to fight red army tanks.
It’s totally unbecoming of biden to make such a call.
Joe is definitely controlled by the spirit of asmodeus, or the spirit of sacrilege.
Joe should now be calling for peace or a ceasefire in ukraine but instead he’s calling on ukraine to raise a whole bunch of hitlerjugend-type of child soldier’s army to fight russia.
Totally sacrilegious !!!
November 28, 2024 at 2:51 am
Donald trump has picked keith kellog as the man for coming go-between negotiations to end joe biden’s atrocious proxy war in europe.
Kellog is trump’s Trojan Horse for biden’s pet project in ukraine.
Kellog has said washington would suspend aid to the dreaded neo-nazis so long as moscow is willing to be present at the negotiating table.
It’s the end for joe biden and his bloodbath plan for russia.
Down with asmodeus biden.
November 28, 2024 at 6:32 am
Tro, Tro, Trojan Horse ?
The real Trojan Horse is right within all of ourselves.
Take the neo-nazis and their patron-n-sponsor joe robinette biden. And his sidekick stoltenberg. And woke-fascism.
Failure to deal DECISIVELY with all the above mentioned muck is or was caused by the Trojan Horse that says ya MUST show sentimental considerations to those scumbags.
When confronted by neo-nazis, woke-fascismo bloc, and NATO, one MUST never ever play-play with them.
One MUST go straight for their jugular, finish them off within two seconds and ensure they’ll never rise back onto their feet again.
For russia, moscow should have rained down mountains of hazel trees on the neo-nazis for trying to exterminate the russian speakers of donbass.
Instead putin sent tanks on a 40-km journey to kyiv. It was dang stupid. All due to the Trojan Horse within.
Never listen to the Trojan Horse. Always and always slay the enemy in ONE fell blow.
November 29, 2024 at 1:03 am
The walking talking disaster in the US white house is seen shedding crocodile tears.
Joe biden, who moves jerkily forward whenever he’s walking, as though his diaper is full and almost ready to oveflow, is decrying about russian aggression.
What about the real bloody aggression in gaza, bankrolled by the world’ greatest genocide-enabler a.k.a. Asmodeus biden.
Down with poop-holding biden.
November 29, 2024 at 8:23 am
Israel has agreed to a temporary ceasefire with hezbollah, nonetheless, it’s continuing its unspeakable daily slaughter of gazans.
But it’s not just Israel that’s fond of unspeakable human slaughter in the troubled mid-east region.
Another equally murderous slaughtering Trojan or bloodthirsty Horse is turkey.
Right now, turkey is backing ex al-qaeda jihadists to battle the syrian arab army in aleppo province that’s already been partially absorbed by turkey via its crony HTS-allied islamist mini-state in the order region.
Tutkey and the jihadists are being assisted by ukraine specialists and NATO elements within turk territory.
Thus, now is the time to hit ukraine with tactical nukes, and if joe biden ups the ante, Tell the wokeist fascist mudderfackr turkey is next.
Hasta la vista !
November 29, 2024 at 9:40 pm
TROJAN HORSE for 2025. Yeah.
The Trojan Horse for 2025 is the dire outcome where peace in europe is completely unachievable and ww3 beckons!
That’s the true Trojan Horse.
Zelenskyy is now calling for parts of ukraine to be protected by NATO. And macron, starmer & biden are eager beaver to answer this call.
Nobody can thus rely on the incoming US administration.
So, russia MUST take the bill by the horns TODAY, right now, this very instant, right away tonight.
How. By flattening all the airports, airbase and runways in all of neo-nazi ukraine.
That will evaporate any chance of 2025 Trojan Horse casting its ww3 shadow over europe in 2025. Or prepare for armageddon.
December 1, 2024 at 2:50 am
Joe biden is getting phuckin’ dangerous besides being very farkimgly evil.
Biden and his minions in NATO, most especially the turks, are right now, in december 2024, on a great hot warpath in syria.
Biden, the CIA, DoD, MIT, state dept and the assorted jihadists in syria have never given up their dream of setting up a pro-western islamist caliphate in syria.
To HELL with biden !
The fires of HELL wait joe.
December 1, 2024 at 7:11 am
Now is the time for putin to smash joe biden’s neo-nazis in ukraine to smithereens.
Failure to do so will encourage western europe to support the murderous turks and their HTS-al-qaeda fascists to advance in syria.
Now is the time to give joe biden the GIFT of a lifetime.
Smash the neo-nazis with nukes and allow Everybody to curse joe biden all dar way to HELL.
December 1, 2024 at 11:32 pm
The asmodeus leader of USA democracy nation, joe biden, has pardoned his son for tax and gun convictions just before jetting off to africa.
While upping violence in ukraine and middle east!
Shows How corrupt USA is Today. Asmodeus’ style.
In africa, biden will surely come or meet face to face with justice, especially for all the fatal shootings of black americans during his presidency.
Africa is famous for its witch doctors, paranormal events and cryptic creatures, so asmodeus biden is unlikely to leave africa fully unscathed.
Biden, the great dictator of falsehoods, lies, fibs, whoppers and censorship and corruption.