Could Putin Die From Bad Health In Office? Remember when there were reports of Russian President Vladimir Putin suffering from cancer?
I wrote about this extensively after the war in Ukraine started when the rumors were most persistent about one to two years ago.
The story was that Putin was allegedly diagnosed with cancer, had Parkinson’s disease, or was barely alive after a damaging heart attack or stroke. I think it is safe to say that the reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated. I wrote that these were simply rumors and innuendo at the time – that Putin was probably just exhausted from the war strain.
Putin is very much alive and well these days, but let’s examine in fuller detail some of these health reports that had the world wishing he would just die.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the at the BRICS+ meeting (via videoconference). Image Credit: Creative Commons.
There Is Something Wrong Health-wise with Putin?
What got many people wagging their tongues was the way Putin was shown on camera gripping a conference room table tightly with his hand. This was reportedly because he had a tremor or shake in his arm that would be evidence that he was suffering from some malady. He also had an ashen face, appeared to have lost weight (or gained weight), and when walking, his gait appeared unsteady.
But does that mean something is actually wrong in the long term? Could he have some long-term or terminal illness?
Putin Is No Joe Biden
There were rumors that the Russian villain used body doubles and that he was really in bed close to death. Putin is 72, not exactly as active as he once was, but he is no Joe Biden – a senior citizen who often looks like he could collapse at any moment.
Macho, Macho Man
Putin is also known for looking macho and vigorous in numerous videos and still photos in Russian media. He likes to play ice hockey and perform judo. He chops wood, rides horses without his shirt, and appears to enjoy the great outdoors of the Motherland.
Is It Parkinson’s Disease?
However, the former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, told the Independent-UK that there is something “fundamentally wrong with him medically…probably Parkinson’s Disease.” Dearlove offered no evidence and admitted he wasn’t a medical doctor, but he may be privy to some British intelligence reports that have the scoop on Putin’s health.
The people in the Parkinson’s camp point toward a video of Putin gripping a table firmly throughout the 12-minute meeting with then-Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu.
What About the Cancer Rumor?
Those who believe that Putin has cancer have scant proof. Supposedly, Putin’s eyesight is going bad, and he needs type-written notes to be extra large when he gives a speech. These cancer believers think that Putin is often tired and frail-looking and that he has splitting migraine headaches. This is not exactly bullet-proof evidence that Putin has cancer though.
It Has to Be a Brain Tumor
However, one credible source, Angus Dalgleish, professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London, believes that Putin could have a brain tumor. “Looking at him two or three years ago and now, there is a symmetry to his face. This raises the question in my mind and the way he’s acted and changed his behavior, his disconnect and cognitive problem is whether he has a brain tumor.”
Heart Disease Is Slowly Killing Him
There have also been reports that Putin has endured several heart attacks – one in which he was flailing around in his bedroom in a cardiac arrest that almost killed him. Putin now has allegedly converted his bedroom into a makeshift hospital to deal with his heart problems.
What Is Really Going On?
Of all the maladies described above, I would say that the heart attack theory is the most believable. However, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney had extensive heart problems during his career and was able to serve out his term with no obvious ill effects.
I doubt Putin has cancer like a brain tumor, Parkinson’s disease, or some neurological disorder. These are debilitating conditions that go from bad to worse quickly. Putin would have to disappear completely, and the war would likely end without the “master strategist” in charge.

President Donald J. Trump participates in a bilateral meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the G20 Japan Summit Friday, June 28, 2019, in Osaka, Japan. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
He Seems Fine to Me
Putin is likely just aging normally and performing his job the same way any relatively healthy 72-year-old can function. He is probably not going to chop wood without his shirt on any time soon, but these health rumors have been going on for years and the Russian strongman is still in charge despite reports to the contrary.
About the Author: Dr. Brent M. Eastwood
Brent M. Eastwood, PhD is the author of Don’t Turn Your Back On the World: a Conservative Foreign Policy and Humans, Machines, and Data: Future Trends in Warfare plus two other books. Brent was the founder and CEO of a tech firm that predicted world events using artificial intelligence. He served as a legislative fellow for U.S. Senator Tim Scott and advised the senator on defense and foreign policy issues. He has taught at American University, George Washington University, and George Mason University. Brent is a former U.S. Army Infantry officer. He can be followed on X @BMEastwood.

October 11, 2024 at 4:17 pm
Putin’s in the pink of health though the same can’t be said about his IQ.
He’s always seen very smartly dressed. Or immaculately dressed.
An extensive study conducted by researchers in the 20th century showed that most winners of wars in modern history were those who were roughly attired, even at times seen wearing sackcloth.
Clearly, putin’s unaware of That or He’s chosen to buck the trend.
Putin hasn’t been very smart or clever.
He has shown his smartness has declined or regressed since march 1 2018.
March 1 2018 was when he introduced six amazing systems to counter NATO and to knock some sense into brussels.
Brussels has always been refusing to see reason. He said.
But did he follow up with his march ’18 address.
I gather not. Homework never done or never ever completed.
October 12, 2024 at 7:17 pm
Putin is the exact opposite or just the perfect antithesis of steven seagal, or perhaps more correctly, seagal is THE perfect opposite of putin.
Doc, did you get my drift. Thus putin needs to step down and let seagal be the president. Please write about seagal then.
When confronted by a massive modern-day fascist nightmare helmed by biden, trump, stoltenberg and zelenskyy, the four great horsemen of the dreaded apocalypse, putin failed to put up the right response.
He failed to flatten the freshly erected neo-nazi redoubt in kyiv. What would have seagal done. He would have straightaway smashed it to smithereens with his bare hands. Literally.
October 13, 2024 at 12:00 pm
The rumors are routine and part and parcel of the normal diet of western agitprop.
For instance, take the latest news of spaceX’s fifth starship launch.
Everybody and allbody were jubilating and raving about the huge ‘success’ of the launch on october 13 2024.
Some were even openly sneering and saying, others, try to copy the miraculous achievement.
What was never mentioned was the very critical fact the starship vessel caught fire, exploded and sank in the Indian Ocean shortly after splashdown.
October 13, 2024 at 9:37 pm
Putin is, right now, today, winning in both donbass region and kursk region.
In donbass, Russian forces are forcing ukro soldiers to flee from toretsk and in Kursk, ukro soldiers are surrendering.
But in the middle east, Biden is winning. Israel is busy attacking both the UN and hizbollah. But putin doesn’t see this region as his priority.
In the far east (north-east asia), Biden is about to start a fresh adventure.
US and south Korea have sent UAVs to fly over pyongyang in a brazen crazy provocation.
North Korea has promised retaliation. Let’s see what’s gonna happen next.
Meanwhile, pro-biden & pro-war military analysts and scholars are predicting a coming US-china missile exchange with Chinese missiles striking Guam and US missiles striking hainan.
According to some of those experts, US likely to come out smelling sweetly of victory as Chinese missiles are less accurate compared to US ones.
But what about soft targets like the US consulate in Hong Kong. Or US rest-rooms in Okinawa.
Bombers can finish off those two soft targets. Joe biden surely knows this, although putin unlikely to get involved here.
That’s all folks.For now.
October 13, 2024 at 10:15 pm
Cover the enemy with Russian corpses has been Russian strategy forever. It always worked. Presently Russia is facing a shortage of corpses, dollars, artillery, and air power. Putin is justifiably paranoid. Russian culture does not tolerate losers.
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