When a Colombian-born American judge presided over the corrupt criminal trial of a U.S. president for the first time in history, many Americans couldn’t...
President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan all declared, “diplomacy is back” as they prepared to take...
Summary and Key Points You Need To Know: The Gerald Ford-class aircraft carriers represent the latest in U.S. naval engineering, designed to replace the...
Russia Has Grand Master Plans for the Su-75 Checkmate: Is Russia’s new Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate advanced fighter a bargain compared to other fifth-generation warbirds?...
Turkey’s Cyprus Model Could Destroy the International Liberal Order: Today marks the 50th anniversary of Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus. Turkish arguments that they intervened...
The Republican concern with China’s threat to America is understandable, arguably even laudable, as many of China’s economic, security, and human rights policies do, in fact, challenge...