Summary and Key Points: Russia’s lone aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, has been undergoing extensive maintenance and repairs for years, casting doubt on its return...
Summary and Key Points: Russia’s only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, remains plagued by challenges despite promises of a return. -After years of repairs marked...
At a recent meeting with senior Pentagon acquisition and industry officials, the conversation started with an overview followed by one set of instructions. Whatever...
Narva is a pristine city in Estonia, rich in history, culture, and conflict. Located adjacent to the Russian border, Narva and its Estonian inhabitants...
Summary and Key Points: China and Russia are accelerating the development of new stealth bomber platforms, likely in response to the U.S. Air Force’s...
North Korea will apparently send soldiers to Ukraine’s Russian-occupied territories as part of the mutual defense pact signed recently by Kim Jung Un and...
Russia’s continued nuclear threat is arguably holding the Western world hostage by preventing any more extensive involvement in providing support for Ukraine. The existence...