Once again, highly classified U.S. intelligence reports are circulating on social media. Last month, Telegram’s pro-Iran propaganda channel Middle East Spectator published two classified...
Summary and Key Points: The Ford-class aircraft carriers, despite facing years of delays, cost overruns, and criticisms, have revolutionized maritime power projection with groundbreaking...
Summary and Key Points: As warfare evolves with drones, electronic warfare, and AI targeting, maintaining substantial firepower remains essential. U.S. Navy’s guided missile submarines...
Summary and Key Points: While a few details of the in-development Next Generation Air Force Dominance (NGAD) have been released, the program is enveloped...
Summary and Key Points: The U.S. Navy’s Los Angeles-class submarines, built in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, remain essential to the fleet today. Designed...